Play with a Purpose

Music and drama for the active and imaginative child who loves the land of make-believe

Register today for Creative Drama Fall Session! (Limited Registration)

Sagamore Hills ES for K-5th:

Meets Wednesdays starting Sept. 13

K-2nd: 2:40-3:35

2nd-5th: 3:45-4:45

12-week session: $252

Oak Grove ES for K-5th:

Meets Thursdays starting Sept. 14

K-2nd 2:40-3:35

2nd-5th 3:45-4:45

12-week session: $252

To reserve your spot: Zelle tuition to Call Doris Seiden for more information.

Play with a Purpose is the philosophy of all of our programs including Group Keyboard Classes, Creative Drama Classes and Private Piano Lessons. We believe that all children are inherently creative and will blossom if given the right instruction and environment. Our on-site after-school group classes for children aged 3 to 15 offer convenience and the comfort of learning in a natural environment.  

“Doris is a passionate teacher dedicated to seeing each of her students succeed.  I have observed her working with children for over 20 years at The Music class and I highly recommend her classes.”

— Rob Sayer, founder and director, The Music Class, Inc.

“I like playing piano because I love the sound of music and when I can play it with my fingers I don't even need to have an Alexa. I especially love playing Disney music.”

— Presley, 8 years old, studying for three years


Music can inspire, empower, educate, motivate, and entertain … Music Matters!

Group Learning Vs. Private

Group classes have proven to be the most effective and enjoyable introduction to keyboard/piano playing for the young child beginning at age 3.  Our dynamic and engaging Suzuki-style method allows children to explore the sounds and rhythms of the electric keyboard while learning to play familiar songs by ear before being introduced to musical notation. When children can read English (around age 5)  they are ready to learn how to play using musical notation and the transition is effortless. Let Your child's first introduction to piano be joyful!  Learning how to play piano with your peers is fun!

“If I really work on it the sound I am producing can be really, really beautiful.  I love feeling my fingers dance along the keys.  Ms. Doris makes sure I am always advancing and she is really nice..the way Harry Potter music flows is amazing.  I like the challenge of memorizing pieces for the recitals as well as hearing all the other students play music I have not yet studied.”

Norah, 10, studying for four years


Creative Drama Classes

Our Creative Drama program taps into your child's inherent creativity and encourages them to think "outside the box".

“I love Drama Club because it helps me build confidence when I’m performing in front of people and we can do fun plays.”

— Britton


Musical Birthday Parties!

Ms. Seiden offers music-themed Birthday Parties in your home or in one of several Music Class studio locations. Parties are for children 1-6 years old and are a fun and exciting way to celebrate your child's special day. Children (and participating adults) sing, dance and play instruments for 45 minutes with your child as the guest of honor! For details and to book Ms. Seiden for a party:


Questions? Feel free to contact me by phone or tell me more about what you. are looking for here.

email Ms. Seiden
